Foundational Messages

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"

1 Peter 3:15

(New International Version)

Foundational Messages

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"

1 Peter 3:15

(New International Version)

In this series, we discuss the history of the Bible: why certain books were chosen, how the Old and New Testaments were formed, its translations and versions, and how it's been misused, all to answer the question: "Can the Bible be trusted?"

1/1/23 - Beginnings

In the beginning...

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1/8/23 - The Canon of Scripture

What's in the Bible, and how did the Bible we hold in our hands come to be?

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1/15/23 - The Old Testament

How did the Old Testament form and come to be?

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1/29/23 - The New Testament

How did the New Testament form and come to be?

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2/5/2023 - The God of YOUR Scriptures: The Bible & Other Sacred Writings

Are we able to give a reason for why we believe what we believe?

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2/12/2023 - The Bible and Its Misuse

How has the Bible been misused and God misrepresented?

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2/19/2023 - The Bible and Western Civilization

How do the Bible and Christianity affect Western civilization?

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2/26/2023 - Truth That Can’t Be Cancelled! The Bible’s Claims About Itself

What does the Bible say about itself, and how can we use this to know what we are to do with what it says?

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3/5/2023 - The Bible Translations and Versions

How did the different versions and translations of the Bible come to be?

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In this series, we examine the Bible and its concordance with specific subject matters prevalent in today's world, answering questions about how we can use the Bible to form our worldview.

3/12/23 - From Word to Flesh

How do we move away from a conversation about the Bible and about the scriptures to an application of our knowledge of the Bible?

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3/19/23 - The Tools We Use

How can we be better students of the Word of God?

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3/26/23 - A Biblical World View

A skit that takes us into the reality of the struggle of having a Biblical worldview in modern society.

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5/7/23 - Sin and Judgment

What does the Bible tell us about the condition of sin and the judgment that is associated with it?

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5/14/23 - The Bible AND the New Covenant

What is the New Covenant, and what does it mean for humanity and us as Christ's followers?

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5/21/23 - The Bible AND the Dispensation of Grace

What are the 7 dispensations told to us in the Bible?

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6/11/23 - The Bible AND Wisdom

What does the Bible tell us about gaining wisdom and putting it into practice?

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7/23/23 - The Bible AND Slavery, Misogyny, & Patriarchy

What does the Bible have to say about slavery, misogyny, and patriarchy?

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7/30/23 - The Bible AND Money & Prosperity

What does the Bible tell us about honoring God with our finances?

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8/6/23 - The Bible AND Life

What does the Bible tell us about life in contrast and comparison to other things and people?

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8/13/23 - Why

Do you remember when you first got saved?

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8/20/23 - The Bible AND Family

How do we use the Bible to define "family" in an age where the view of family is changing?

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8/27/23 - The Bible AND Creation

How does Maslow's hierarchy of needs affect the urban church's care for what the Bible tells us about creation?

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9/3/23 - The Bible AND Nationalism

Nationalism and Christian nationalism: what is it, and what does the Bible tell us about it?

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9/10/23 - The Bible AND Morality & Truth

What is Truth according to the Bible, and how does our morality play a part?

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Faith Citadel on the go

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Faith Citadel on the go

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Faith Citadel

on the go

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