Yes, it really is good news. And yes, it is for you.
We can all agree that this world is not how it should be. And we can look back at our own lives and recognize times when we made choices that were not good, affecting both our lives and the lives of others around us.
It is sin that separates us from God. But God didn't want us to be apart from Him. Knowing we could not cure our condition, He sent his son Jesus to come to earth and live as a man.
He demonstrated his deity through signs and miracles and his humanity when living among the people He came to save.
Death is the consequence of sin. Yet God, did not desire for any to perish. He put a plan into motion, that brought Jesus to earth, to live among His loved children.
But it doesn't end there. He can turn your mess into a miracle. Because when He came to earth, He was willing to die. Even die on a cross.
He became sin so we can draw near to God.
The Gospel is the good news about who Jesus Christ is and what He has done. It is the best and most important news you will ever hear in your lifetime, because it is truly life-changing. It is both profound and simple.
It changes everything! Because Jesus is good.
So He came. And He died. But yet, He defeated death by coming back to life.
This is who He is and this is what He has done so you can receive the greatest news of all times. That your sins are forgiven and you can live in freedom.